My latest theme is Animals and its infact a theme that is totally different from my other themes such as the Mogol empire or Moorish Spain since it involves animals not humans. My animals are not just surrealistic but they are also naïve, outside this world and bordering on fantasy. All of these definitions together summarize them. My love for animals is because they are very peaceful and unlike humans who kill for jealousy money or purely hate they hunt to eat only. My animals are not only civilized but they live in a world that they control, in a very delicate and kind manner doing what all humans do but without harming the environment and each other. As if they were human they do activities ranging from riding trains to racing to playing pingpong but different from animals they intermingle with their surroundings particularly nature and minimize destruction. Infact, sometimes it is difficult to see them because they blend so much with nature, they fit right into the environment.
I truly believe that through my art on animals I can make humans see animals in a more positive way and respect them more, like humans with an equal value mentally and physically. The Animals I do finally become humans as they are engaged in the same activities and do them equally well and enjoy from the heart. Finaly, long live animals and hope to see a better cleaner and tranquil harmonious world with them controlling it and a better future for all.